[Early recognition and screening consultation: a necessary way to improve early detection and treatment in rheumatology? : Overview of the early recognition and screening consultation models for rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in Germany].

: In order to reduce the prognostically relevant time interval between the initial manifestation of a rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease and diagnosis as well as the consecutive initiation of an appropriate treatment, several rheumatological centers in Germany have improved the access to initial rheumatologic evaluation by establishing early recognition/screening clinics at their respective sites. Corresponding models located at Altoetting·Burghausen, Bad Pyrmont, Berlin Buch, Duesseldorf, Heidelberg, Herne, Mannheim as well as supraregional/multicenter initiatives Rheuma Rapid, RhePort and Rheuma-VOR are presented in this overview along with the respective characteristics, potential advantages and disadvantages, but also first evaluation results of several models. The aim of this publication is to promote early detection of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases as one of the most important challenges in current rheumatology by encouraging further rheumatologic centers and practices to launch their own early recognition/screening consultation model on the basis of aspects presented herein.
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