Composition of Natural Gas and Mazout Fuels in Cement Industries in Relation to Their Calorific Values and Environmental Effect

3 ABSTRACT: Two gas samples and two mazout samples which used as fuels in Cement Companies were collected. These studied fuel samples were analyzed for compositional analysis and calculation of their calorific values via capillary gas chromatography connected with TCD and FID according to standard methods. These fuels need to have an appropriate chemical energy content which depends on the type of components and their organic content. There are a number of factors that promote the use of fuels in cement kilns. Of these factors, the most notable are: the high temperatures developed, the appropriate kiln length, the long period of time the fuel stays inside the kiln and the alkaline environment inside the kiln. The fuels used should fall within the extreme values of parameters such as: minimum heating value, maximum humidity content, and maximum content of heavy and toxic metals. It has been found that the net and gross heat values of the used natural gas fuel are 1014 Btu/ft 3 and 1032 Btu/ft 3 respectively. Mazout fuel exhibits net and gross heat values between 40313 and 43565 kJ/kg, these date reflect the preferred natural gases as fuels not only due to the higher calorific values but also it is friendly environment.
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