Abnormalities of B lineage cells are demonstrable in long term lymphoid bone marrow cultures of New Zealand black mice.

The formation of B lymphocytes in young New Zealand Black (NZB) mice proceeds at an accelerated rate resulting in a deficiency of B lineage precursors in adult (greater than 15 wk old) animals. To study the characteristics of B lineage cells in young (4 wk) and old (6 mo) NZB mice, bone marrow from these animals was used to initiate long term lymphoid bone marrow cultures (LBMC) that permit the long term maintenance of B cells and their precursors. Age-matched cultures from BALB/c mice and NZB.xid marrow were established in parallel. Primary LBMC were readily established from these strains and showed similar patterns of growth for the 3-mo observation period. No significant differences in numbers of 14.8 positive cells were observed. However, NZB mice at both ages had a higher percentage of membrane IgM (mIgM)-expressing cells. Significant levels of supernatant IgM were found only in cultures of 6-mo NZB and BALB/c mice; levels were highest in NZB culture supernatants and were often more than 500 ng/ml; significant, although much lower, levels of IgG were likewise detected. Lymphoid cells from NZB.xid mice were unable to generate significant levels of IgM in supernatant fluids indicating the effects of the xid gene were displayed in vitro. Autoantibodies were not detected in any of the culture supernatants. Additional evidence for NZB hyperactivity in primary B lymphopoiesis was observed upon initiation of primary myeloid bone marrow cultures (MBMC) from these strains of mice and subsequently transferring them to LBMC conditions. This results in the cessation of myelopoiesis at the initiation of B lymphopoiesis. At the time of converting MBMC to LBMC, cultures of NZB and BALB/c mice morphologically resembled myeloid cultures and had neither B cell colony-forming units nor cells that expressed 14.8 or mIgM. However, following the switch, NZB mice had a 5-fold higher number of B cell colony-forming units. Further, MBMC established from NZB bone marrow cells had a reduced capacity to form colonies in the granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming unit assay. These studies indicate that defects of NZB hemopoietic cells are manifest in vitro and suggest the use of in vitro long term cultures as a valuable technique to further dissect the hematopoietic abnormalities of NZB mice and possible underlying microenvironmental defects.
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