Redescobrindo a Mata Atlântica. Experiências de um Programa de Formação de Professores na Região do Mico-Leão-Dourado, Brasil Rediscovering the Atlantic Forest. Experiences of a Teacher Training Program in the Region of Golden Lion Tamarin, Brazil

Rediscovering the Atlantic Forest is an in-service teacher training program in environmental education, carried out by the non-governmental organization Associacao Mico-LeaoDourado since 2003. The target public of this training is teachers from municipalities within the current range of golden lion tamarins in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The methodology has two phases: 1) participation of periodic course session, and 2) implementation of educational projects planned by teachers during the course sessions. To date we have conducted the training for three cohorts, with the capacity building of 50 teachers and participation of approximately 1.500 students of Silva Jardim and Rio Bonito municipalities. The teachers carried out 300 educational projects about the themes: physical characteristics, flora, fauna, threats, conservation actions and water resources.
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