Development of landmine detection robot

Landmines are still a never-ending problem. Due to the conflicts and war in the previous centuries, a lot of landmines have been buried which are active still today and de-mining them is a difficult, dangerous and time consuming task. As in the regular manner if the solution is expected it involves loss of human life which is not acceptable. Technology paves way to solve this problem in a scientific manner using robots which can solve the problem without loss of human lives. A robot has been developed to detect these landmines and find their locations with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. Further the feedback is sent about the findings of the latitude and longitude location to the server through Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology to help target the exact position of the landmines. The feedback can be received on mobile phones using the same GSM technology so to alert the bomb squad member. The robot contains a camera for navigation purposes to spot out its path of movement and problematic locations by capturing the image and use it for its effective functioning. This robot can be used to deal with both the types of anti-personnel landmines which includes Blast Mines and Fragmentation Mines. This robot is effective for defence applications during war times and post war periods where it is preferred to nullify the threat of landmines and bring happiness among the people residing in the locality.
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