Prognosis and daily evaluation of changes in the condition of patients with peritonitis

: The authors examined 159 patients with peritonitis (87 with the generalized form and 72 patients with the diffuse form) and conducted a statistical analysis of the findings. Quantitative and some qualitative parameters of the patients were studied. The Student and Wilcoxon criteria and the correlation and discriminant analysis were used in construction of the determinative rules. Two groups of discriminant functions were constructed to obtain the prognosis of the outcome of peritonitis in a patient with daily appraisal of the dynamics of changes in his condition. The first group of prognostic indices was obtained only from the qualitative data. The second group of "simplified" prognostic indices was constructed with the use of parameters which are used most frequently in the wide clinical practice. The quality of both groups of discriminant functions proved to be comparable, i. e. both sets of determinative rules may be used in medical practice to evaluate the condition of a patient with peritonitis and construct the prognosis of the outcome of the disease.
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