Application of Chemically Modified Celluloses as Templates for Obtaining of Alumina Materials

The main focus of this study is to investigate the influence of functional groups of cellulose and its derivatives on properties and morphology of alumina materials obtained by template synthesis. Cyanoethyl-, amidoethyl- and carboxymethylcellulose were synthesized from bleached softwood pulp and they were used as templates for alumina materials preparation. By means of methods of scanning electron microscopy and nitrogen physical sorption it was shown that properties and type of functional groups of template can influence on the morphology and textural characteristics of obtained ceramic materials. The alumina specimens that obtained from cyanoethyl-, amidoethylcellulose have thicker fibers and two times increased surface area in comparison with alumina obtained from initial cellulose but the one formed by carboxymethylcellulose have thin alumina fibers and three times decreased surface area. Thus, by regulating properties and type of template it is possible to obtain ceramic materials with desired properties and morphology.
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