The Problematic Aspects of Financial Legislation in the Area of Regulating Inter-budget Relations-Namely the Discontinuation (Curtailment) of Granting Inter-budget Transfers (with the Exception of Subventions) to Local Budgets by RF Constituents' Finance Bodies

In present-day reality, inter-budget relations cannot be considered perfect, for issues related to the discontinuation (curtailment) of inter-budget transfers have not been given due attention in federal legislation. Powers to regulate and apply these measures are vested in finance bodies. Articles 130 and 136 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation establish terms and conditions for the obtaining of inter-budget transfers by RF constituents and municipal formations, failure to comply with which can result in that both the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the finance bodies of its constituents may, in a manner prescribed by them, order that granting inter-budget transfers be discontinued (curtailed). Such classic aspects of the issue as the procedure for bringing one to justice and ways to protect the rights of public entities are yet to be brought to a legislative resolution; the array of issues is quite broad and capacious. With this in mind, in this article the author looks into issues in regulating inter-budget relations-more specifically, in the area of discontinuation (curtailment) of granting inter-budget transfers (with the exception of subventions) to local budgets by RF constituents’ finance bodies. This aspect is of special significance, considering the social significance of this type of budgetary relations.
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