Disponibilidad y acceso de alimentos en el desarrollo de una cadena de valor inclusiva, desde la perspectiva de actores involucrados con la Institución María Inmaculada de Puerto Carreño, Vichada

Food availability and access are components of food security, the first depends on factors such as production and imports, and the second is related to socio-economic aspects as structural determinants; relating to the links of the food system, where they play a very important role in the implementation of inclusive value chains with sensitivity to nutrition, for this reason the objective of this study is to understand the contribution of the availability and access of food in the development of an inclusive value chain, from the perspective of three actors: (officials of public entities, teachers and parents) involved in the dynamics of the Maria Inmaculada Educational Institution of Puerto Carreno, Vichada. A mixed study was carried out using the triangulation methodology and ethnographic approach. The analysis of the quantitative information corresponds to Microsoft Excel from a survey applied to a sample of 20 participants corresponding to heads of household. As for the qualitative data, they were analyzed with the NVivo 12 Pro software, by means of discourse analysis with a population made up of 14 participants made up of the three study actors. The results of the actors' perceptions of domestic production, food imports, school gardens and food aid in the logic of the agri-food system. According to the findings, the themes of the discourse were raised: first, the repercussions of food dependency on food supply, ranging from the availability component and the sociodemographic characterization as an approximation of the access component; secondly, school agroecology and citizen participation as an element of social transformation. In conclusion, the availability component can contribute to the development of an inclusive value chain in I.E.M.I. from elements such as environmental education, food, nutrition and active participation of the actors.
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