The role oF qua Ternary geology in nor TheasTern BriTish ColumBia 's oil and gas indusTry : a summary

Quaternary geology, the field within the earth sciences that is concerned with the geological record of the last 2.6 million years, has typically received little attention from the oil and gas industry. Quaternaryaged sediments are, however, significant to the oil and gas industry for a variety of reasons. This paper discusses four aspects of Quaternary geology in northeast British Columbia that have a direct impact on the development of oil and gas resources: (1) shallow gas; (2) groundwater aquifers; (3) surficial geology; and (4) aggregate resources. Quaternary-aged sediments host natural gas in northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta. Gas was discovered in Quaternary reservoirs in Alberta in 1988 and has seen modest development. Several wells in British Columbia have produced from reservoirs within Quaternary sediments. These reservoirs are likely associated with the valley-fill sediments of incised paleovalleys that have little or no surface expression. The reservoirs are fluvial and glaciofluvial units underlying clay-rich till and glaciolacustrine seals. Gas in these reservoirs is rare; however, these same units commonly host water, of which some form artesian aquifers. With water demand continuing to increase, particularly where tight or shale gas plays require large volumes of water for hydraulic fracturing, groundwater aquifers may be an important water source. Surface engineering and infrastructure development associated with the oil and gas industry require an understanding of the properties and distribution of surface materials, most of which are Quaternary deposits. Surficial geology mapping, therefore, provides important baseline data for these activities. The British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and its partners, the Geological Survey of Canada and the University of Victoria, are currently mapping regions of northeast British Columbia at the 1:50 000 scale in an effort to provide industry with this fundamental data. In addition, the Ministry’s Oil and Gas Division, through the Aggregate and Surficial Mapping Program, is continuing to work with industry, government, and academic partners to identify and evaluate local sources of construction aggregate for new, quality roads into undeveloped areas and to extend the drilling season to non-winter months.
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