Comparative Roentgen Findings in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Backs

NOT LONG AGO a large industrial company (1) decided to survey a group of men who had been in its employ for ten years or more, who denied having discomfort in the back either on or off the job, and who had not asked for treatment for back disability at any time during their employment. Chosen for this survey were 200 men in the outside equipment and construction forces, including some drivers and supplymen, who had worked in these forces exclusively for not less than ten years. The average age of the group was forty years, and the average length of service was eighteen years. Anteroposterior and lateral films of the entire lumbar spine and a spot film of the fifth lumbar vertebral area were made. All abnormalities were reported in the following classifications: congenital, traumatic, degenerative, inflammatory, arthritic, neoplastic, and structural For purposes of comparison, 200 consecutive patients referred for myelography were studied. The average age was thirtyeight years. All of these patients had lo...
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