A Floquet perturbation theory for periodically driven weakly-interacting fermions.

We compute the Floquet Hamiltonian $H_F$ for weakly interacting fermions subjected to a continuous periodic drive using a Floquet perturbation theory (FPT) with the interaction amplitude being the perturbation parameter. This allows us to address the dynamics of the system at intermediate drive frequencies $\hbar \omega_D \ge V_0 \ll {\mathcal J}_0$, where ${\mathcal J}_0$ is the amplitude of the kinetic term, $\omega_D$ is the drive frequency, and $V_0$ is the typical interaction strength between the fermions. We compute, for random initial states, the fidelity $F$ between wavefunctions after a drive cycle obtained using $H_F$ and that obtained using exact diagonalization (ED). We find that FPT yields a substantially larger value of $F$ compared to its Magnus counterpart for $V_0\le \hbar \omega_D$ and $V_0\ll {\mathcal J}_0$. We use the $H_F$ obtained to study the nature of the steady state of an weakly interacting fermion chain; we find a wide range of $\omega_D$ which leads to subthermal or superthermal steady states for finite chains. The driven fermionic chain displays perfect dynamical localization for $V_0=0$; we address the fate of this dynamical localization in the steady state of a finite interacting chain and show that there is a crossover between localized and delocalized steady states. We discuss the implication of our results for thermodynamically large chains and chart out experiments which can test our theory.
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