Prevention of Perioperative Hypothermia in Anesthetized Dogs Using a Novel Computerized Body Temperature Regulation System

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel computerized body temperature regulation system (CBTR) in preventing hypothermia during general gas anesthesia in dogs. A nonblinded, controlled, cross-over group study was carried that included six healthy adult beagles. Each dog was anesthetized twice for 150 minutes, serving as its own control. The second anesthesia was done 1 week after the first, using the same anesthetic protocol. Controls (week 1), received no thermal care (NTC; i.e., passive, non-heated blanket under the body). In the study group (week 2) body temperature was maintained using the CBTR, consisting of a water-channeled vest, covering the dogs’ trunk and extremities. Vest temperature was maintained by a computerized feedback loop system, and skin and rectal thermosensors, with the temperature set at 37.8°C. Rectal temperature, mean arterial blood pressure (MBP), complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry and coagulation tests were measured before, during and after anesthesia in all dogs. At the end of anesthesia, mean rectal temperature in NTC group was 31.8±0.6°C (a decrease of 6.4±0.9°C from the beginning of anesthesia) versus 37.3±0.7°C (a decrease of 0.57±0.83°C) in the CBTR group (P<0.0001). MBP, leukocyte count and potassium concentration were higher (P<0.05), while times to extubation and to sternal recumbency were shorter (P<0.05) in the CBTR group compared to the NTC group. No adverse effects (e.g., overheating, burns) occurred in the CBTR group. It was concluded that the CBTR system was safe and effective in preventing perioperative hypothermia and minimizing undesirable effects.
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