En el contexto de los aportes y desafios de la Psicologia educacional a la construccion de conocimientos sociales en el aula, se examinan las concepciones docentes sobre la ensenanza y aprendizaje de contenidos escolares politicos, y se exploran sus argumentos al indagar acerca de ensenar tales nociones. Se analizan diferentes aportes y su vinculacion con algunos resultados preliminares del estudio piloto de la tesis de maestria: “Las representaciones docentes sobre la ensenanza y aprendizaje del contenido escolar `gobierno nacional´ en 2do. ciclo de EGB”. Los datos muestran que las concepciones de ensenanza y aprendizaje de los ensenantes remiten a modelos mixtos. Por una parte, predomina aquel de transmision de conocimientos y modelamiento de conductas, ubicandose el docente en el rol protagonico del proceso. Por otra, en menor medida, se concibe la ensenanza como guia y facilitacion de los aprendizajes de los alumnos para que obtengan mejores aprendizajes. Se concluye que la predominancia del modelo conductista en la ensenanza de conocimientos politicos, y la precariedad de los conocimientos docentes acerca de los contenidos a ensenar, constituyen un importante desafio para la psicologia educacional, lo cual conduce a demandar mayor numero de investigaciones acerca del tema en un campo escasamente explorado. Palabras clave Concepciones Docentes Conocimientos Politicos ABSTRACT TEACHING OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE. CHALLENGES FOR THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY In the context of the contributions and challenges of educational psychology to the construction of social knowledge in the classroom, the conceptions of teachers about teaching and learning political school contents are examined, and their arguments to the inquiry about those notions are explored. There are also analyzed different contributions and their relationships with some preliminary results of the pilot study from the master thesis: “Teachers representations about teaching and learning of the school content `national government´ in 2nd year from EGB”. The data show that the teachers` conceptions about teaching and learning remit to mixed models. On one hand, it prevails the one of transmission of knowledge and behaviour modelling, in which the teacher has the main role of the process. On the other hand, in smaller measure, it is conceived the teaching as guide and facilitation to the learning of the students to get a better learning. It is concluded that the predominance of the behaviourist model on the teaching of political knowledge, and the precariousness of the teachers knowledge about the contents to teach, constitute an important challenge to educational psychology that demands a greater number of investigations about the subject in a barely explored field. Key words Teachers` Conceptions Political Knowledge
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