CEA studies and qualifications prior to the JT-60SA TF coils manufacture

Abstract Following the first conceptual design activity in which the general design of the JT-60SA TF system was defined in agreement with all the participants in the project (CEA, ENEA, F4E), a second phase dealing with the detailed design was engaged by each of the voluntary contributors. For the French part which includes the procurement of 9 of the TF winding packs and their integration in the casing, an industrial contract was signed mid 2011 with Alstom (France). Several actions have been carried out to prepare the manufacturing phase. To precisely define one of the main interfaces which is the temporary electrical connection of the coils to the current leads during cold test in the CEA facility as well as their final connection to the feeders at the Naka site, a design compatible with both requirements was developed by CEA, supported by the previous developments led on the joints and assembly techniques. In addition to prepare the coils manufacture, hydraulic qualification was led on the first conductor qualification length to set the parameters which will be used by the coils manufacturer for conductor acceptance. At last, mechanical characterizations of both the conductor and of the empty compacted jacket were performed in order to define as precisely as possible the elastic and plastic properties of these components. These are crucial properties used during the bending process which is one of the most important operations during the winding pack manufacture. These data will be very helpful for the winding machine parameters settings as well as for designing the local bending tooling needed to shape the conductors extremities at the connection area and at the double pancakes joggles.
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