The structure of 193Au within the Interacting Boson Fermion Model

Abstract A γγ angular correlation experiment investigating the nucleus 193 Au is presented. In this work the level scheme of 193 Au is extended by new level information on spins, multipolarities and newly observed states. The new results are compared with theoretical predictions from a general Interacting Boson Fermion Model (IBFM) calculation for the positive-parity states. The experimental data is in good agreement with an IBFM calculation using all proton orbitals between the shell closures at Z = 50 and Z = 126 . As a dominant contribution of the d 3 / 2 orbital to the wave function of the lowest excited states is observed, a truncated model of the IBFM using a Bose–Fermi symmetry is applied to the describe 193 Au. Using the parameters of a fit performed for 193 Au, the level scheme of 192 Pt, the supersymmetric partner of 193 Au, is predicted but shows a too small boson seniority splitting. We obtained a common fit by including states observed in 192 Pt. With the new parameters a supersymmetric description of both nuclei is established.
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