Building Partner Capacity: The Science Behind The Art

Abstract : Building Partner Capacity (BPC) is a key mission for special operations forces (SOF), yet there is alack of consensus on which variables most significantly impact BPC success.This thesis uses quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the effects of cultural, economic, andsupport conditions on the outcome of BPC programs. It first constructs and analyzes a quantitative modelthat uses several preexisting conflict datasets. It then provides a qualitative case study, the DhofarRebellion (19651975) in Oman, to give real-life context to the models findings.This thesis finds that cultural differences between BPC sponsor and client, the number of sponsors perclient, the length of a BPC relationship, and the types of support provided are all critical factors for BPCmission success. From these findings, the thesis offers five recommendations for sponsors to improve BPCmission success: manage personal relationships to overcome cultural differences; front-load support totheir clients; consider allowing clients increased access to the sponsors military and intelligenceinfrastructure; recognize the importance of funding support; and shield clients from the complexities ofmultilateral BPC efforts. In short, sponsors should build intimate sponsor-client relationships to succeed atBPC efforts.
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