Introduction: The Freedom to Conform

The form and effectiveness of nonconformity, dissent, opposition, and resistance are affected by the nature of the political system in which they emerge. Nonconformity involves, in the first place, refusal to accept the most widespread social norms as a given and embraces such diverse manifestations as creative originality in the arts, membership in a religious sect or minority religious association, refusal to follow the crowd, and questioning the political presuppositions of the system. Dissent goes further and involves the conscious embrace of views and engagement in actions in opposition to the government or to society, chosen for a higher social or political reason. Opposition involves more or less legal activity, intended to effect a change in government policies. Resistance involves illegal activity, typically aimed at overthrowing the government or at least removing its chief officeholders. All four forms of noncompliance made a difference in German politics, culture, and/or society.
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