Growth and Cognition in Brazilian Schoolchildren: A Spontaneously Occurring Intervention Study.

This study examines the effects of dietary, cultural, and educational intervention on physical growth and cognition in Brazilian children aged from 7 to 10 years. A group of 38 domestic servants' children who had resided and studied for an average of three years in upper-middle class environments were compared with 88 upper-middle class children and 100 slum-dwelling (favela) children using the following measures: weight-for-height, height-for-age, Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test, the Brazilian Non-verbal Intelligence Test (INV), Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), WISC-R Coding and Block Design subtest. Although domestic servants' children were significantly taller and heavier than their group of origin (slum-dwelling children) they continued to be significantly shorter than the middle class. Domestic servants' daughters scored significantly better than their slum-dwelling counterparts on cognitive tests measuring speed and accuracy (WISC-R Coding) and analogical reasoning (Raven Coloured Progressi...
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