An Extreme Metallicity, Large-Scale Outflow from a Star-Forming Galaxy at z ~ 0.4

We present a detailed analysis of a large-scale galactic outflow in the CGM of a massive (M_h ~ 10^12.5 Msun), star-forming (6.9 Msun/yr), sub-L* (0.5 L_B*) galaxy at z=0.39853 that exhibits a wealth of metal-line absorption in the spectra of the background quasar Q 0122-003 at an impact parameter of 163 kpc. The galaxy inclination angle (i=63 degree) and the azimuthal angle (Phi=73 degree) imply that the QSO sightline is passing through the projected minor-axis of the galaxy. The absorption system shows a multiphase, multicomponent structure with ultra-strong, wide velocity spread OVI (logN = 15.16\pm0.04, V_{90} = 419 km/s) and NV (logN = 14.69\pm0.07, V_{90} = 285 km/s) lines that are extremely rare in the literature. The highly ionized absorption components are well explained as arising in a low density (10^{-4.2} cm^{-3}), diffuse (10 kpc), cool (10^4 K) photoionized gas with a super-solar metallicity ([X/H] > 0.3). From the observed narrowness of the Lyb profile, the non-detection of SIV absorption, and the presence of strong CIV absorption we rule out equilibrium/non-equilibrium collisional ionization models. The low-ionization photoionized gas with a density of 10^{-2.5} cm^{-3} and a metallicity of [X/H] > -1.4 is possibly tracing recycled halo gas. We estimate an outflow mass of ~2x10^{10} Msun, a mass-flow rate of ~54 Msun/yr, a kinetic luminosity of ~9x10^{41} erg/s, and a mass loading factor of ~8 for the outflowing high-ionization gas. These are consistent with the properties of "down-the-barrel" outflows from infrared-luminous starbursts as studied by Rupke et al. Such powerful, large-scale, metal-rich outflows are the primary means of sufficient mechanical and chemical feedback as invoked in theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution.
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