Ankara Tavukçuluk Araştırma Enstitüsünde Geliştirilen Beyaz

Bu proje, Ankara Tavukculuk Arastirma Enstitusunde bulunan saf hatlardan elde edilen beyaz yumurtaci ebeveyn ve bunlarin hibritlerinin cesitli verim ozelliklerinin tespiti amaciyla yapilmistir. Projede 2 ebeveyn (Maron Line x Blue Line , Black Line x Maroon Line ) ve 2 hibrit (Brown Line x Blue Line , Black Line x Blue Line ) genotipleri ile calisilmistir. Bu genotiplerde cinsi olgunluk yasi ve agirligi, ilk on yumurta agirligi, yumurta verimi ve agirligi, yasama gucu, canli agirlik degisimi ile donem sonu canli agirliklari tespit edilmistir. Adi gecen genotiplerden 16 haftalik yasta iken 138’ er adet ebeveyn ve 138’ er adet de hibrit olmak uzere toplam 552 adet pilic cevre kontrollu kumesteki kafeslere yerlestirilmis ve test 72. hafta sonunda sona erdirilmistir. Ebeveyn genotiplerde yukaridaki siraya gore cinsi olgunluk yasi; 150 ve 148 gun, cinsi olgunluk agirligi ; 1360 ve 1395 g, ilk 10 yumurta agirligi ; 44.4 ve, 45,0 g, yumurta verimi 301 ve 301 adet, yumurta agirligi 59,5 ve 60,1 g, donem sonu ( 72. hafta ) canli agirlik; 1675 ve 1790 g, tavuk donemi yasama gucu ( % ); 94,21 ve 97,83 olarak bulunmustur.Hibrit genotiplerde ise yukaridaki siraya gore cinsi olgunluk yasi; 148 ve 146 gun, cinsi olgunluk agirligi; 1342 ve 1391 g, yumurta verimi 304, ve 307 adet, yumurta agirligi; 58,5 ve 58,7 g, donem sonu (72. hafta) canli agirlik; 1658 ve 1785 g, tavuk donemi yasama gucu ( % ); 97,1 ve 94,9 olarak bulunmustur.In this research, some important yields of the white layer hybrid parents and its hybrids of the pure lines which have developed by Ankara Poultry research Institute, were tried to ferret out. Two parrent genotypes (Maron Line x Blue Line ve Black Line x Maroon Line) and two hybrid genotypes (Brown Line x Blue Line ve Black Line x Blue Line ) were studied. The age of first egg, first ten egg’s weight, total egg production, average egg weight, livability, live weight changes and live weight at the end of the production period of these genoypes were examinated. Total 552 birds were bred in the cages of an environmentally controlled poultry house from 138 parent and 138 hybrids at each afore mentioned genotypes at the age of 16 weeks.Reseach ended at the age of 72 weeks.In the same order given above for the parent genotypes; the age of first egg was founded 149 and 148 days; live weight at the age of first egg was founded 1360 and 1395 grams, first ten egg’s weight was founded 44,4 and 45 grams ; total egg production was founded 301 and 301 units, egg weight was founded 59,5 and 60.1 grams , live weight at the end of the production period ( 72 weeks ) was founded 1679 and 1805 grams, production period livability was founded 94,21 and 97,83 %.In the same order given above for the hybrid genotypes; the age of first egg was founded 148 and 146 days; live weight at the age of first egg was founded 1342 and 1391 grams; total egg production was founded 304 and 307 units, egg weight was founded 58,5 and 58,7 grams; live weight at the end of the production period ( 72 weeks ) was founded 1662 and 1758 grams; production period livability was founded 97,1 and 94,9 %.
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