The Effectiveness of Using Litle Shop of Treasures Game in Mastering English Vocabulary at the Fifth Grade Students at SDN Kutoanyar 02 Tulungagung

Keyword : Effectiveness, Little Shop of Treasures Game, Vocabulary Mastery Little shop of treasures game is one of the hidden object game series from game house. It can be played online or as a game house. In this case, little shop of treasures game refer to hidden object game series that is played as game house. It’s commonly use to help teach children how to increase their vocabulary. The teacher just prepares some small pictures to sell to the students and the students should to buy the pictures by the name of the pictures that are prepared before in a box, so the students not buy with money. The formulation of the research problem is how effective is little shop of treasures game in teaching vocabulary of the fifth grade students of SDN Kutoanyar 02 Tulungagung?. The objective of this study is to find out how effective is using little shop of treasures game toward vocabulary mastery achievement of the fifth grade students of SDN Kutoanyar 02 Tulungagung. Research method: 1) the research design in this study was pre-experimental design with quantitative approach. 2) the subject of this study was the fifth grade students of SDN Kutoanyar 02 consisting of 27 students. 3) the research instrument was test. 5) the data analysis was using T test with help spss 16.00. The result showed that the result of the significant level is 0.00%. It is known that the significant level in the table is less than 0.05%= 0.00% < 0.05%. This means that Ha which states that there is significant effect in the vocabulary achievement after the students are taught by using little shop of treasures game is accepted. Whereas Ho which states that there is no significant effect in the vocabulary achievement after the students are taught by using little shop of treasures game is rejected. In other words, little shop of treasures game can be used as an alternative to teach vocabulary mastery to the students at elementary school level. The suggestion are: 1) the teacher and the students expected to use little shop of treasures game in teaching learning process, especially in vocabulary mastery, 2) the future researcher expected to conduct this research in similar area, especially on using little shop of treasures game, but in other school
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