Ruido Industrial: Efectos en la salud de los trabajadores expuestos(Industrial noise: effects on the health of workers exposed)(De ruído industrial: efeitos sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores expostos)

The impact of industrial noise on the occupational health of workers engaged in work more than 12 hours daily is an obvious public health problem that significantly affects the exposed population and more often development countries like Colombia, in which case the population at risk is considerably high. The problem that these concerns include impaired physical and mental health, being the most important aspect in this case, the apparent decrease in hearing or hearing loss of employees that most of the times are not diagnosed or treated at time to restore hearing function. The objective of the following review is to analyze and determine the best measures of prevention and diagnosis of hearing loss due to industrial noise in workers exposed chronically to raise awareness of the importance of preventive measures in the workplace and is useful for the implementation or modification of current rules.
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