Neuroinmunología social. Para la seguridad y defensa de la Nación

espanolLa Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, debido a los multiples ataques imperiales en los ultimos 20 anos, se ha generado un proceso de resistencia/resiliencia que en lugar de mostrar signos de debilidad al contrario evidencia una gran fortaleza. Dada la importancia tanto para la seguridad y defensa integral de la nacion, como para la salud colectiva, la educacion y la cultura, se propone la creacion de un colectivo de investigacion transdisciplinar en el area de la neuroinmunologia social para conocer y entender los procesos que se generan a lo interno de la psiquis social y que permiten a pesar de los ataques mantener un relativo equilibrio social. Al conocer y entender dichos procesos sistemicos podremos fortalecer conscientemente dichos mecanismos neuroinmunes sociales. EnglishIn the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, due to the multiple imperial attacks in the last 20 years, a process of resistance/resilience has been generated that instead of showing signs of weakness on the contrary shows great strength. Given the importance for the security and comprehensive defence of the nation, as well as for collective health, education and culture, is proposed the creation of a collective of transdisciplinary research in the area of social Neuroimmunology to know and understand the processes that are generated to the internal of the social psyche and that allow in spite of the attacks to maintain a relative social balance. By knowing and understanding such systemic processes we can consciously strengthen such social neuroimmune mechanisms.
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