Proporção divina em maloclusão classe II

O tratamento ortodontico deve considerar a funcao e a estetica, com harmonia e equilibrio proporcional da face. Este estudo mediu seis fatores na cefalometria tracada da telerradiografia. Incluindo individuos caucasianos, vinte do genero feminino e vinte do masculino, com todos os dentes permanentes na boca e com classe II esqueletica e dentaria nos tres tipos da faces, utilizando as proporcoes divinas proposta por Ricketts em 1982. os resultados permitiram analisar cada grandeza separadamente mostrando exatamente qual regiao nao apresentava as divinas proporcoes e se era possivel as tratamento ortodontico e/ ou cirurgico conseguir estas proporcoes. Considerando o estudo, individuos com classe II, devem ser avaliados individualmente, pois observou-se muita variacao nestas proporcoes para pacientes com este tipo de maloclusao.(AU) The orthodontic treatment must consider both function and esthetic, with harmony and balance proportions of the face. This study measured six factors in lateral cephalometric radiography on the head side. Including Caucasian individuals, twenty was from feminine genus and twenty from the masculine genus, with all permanent teeth, dental and skeleton Class II in three face types using the divine proportion sample proposed by Ricketts in 1982. The results allowed value the greatness separately showing exactly which region there wasn't divine proportions and if it was possible by orthodontic treatment and/ or surgery to approach for divine proportions. Considering the study individuals how has Class II malocclusion, must be valued individually, because there are too many variations in this proportions in patients with this kind of malocclusion.(AU)
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