Avaliação crítica de dois métodos para determinação da qualidade da pescada Macrodon ancylodon (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801). Análise Descritiva Quantitativa e Teste de Aceitabilidade

Seafood is the generic term that includes fish, crustaceans, mollusks, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, aquatic mammals used as food for human beings. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization the fish and fish derivatives trade is at the forefront of the food safety issue. This is the most internationally traded commodity. Any seafood quality impairment generates losses to all participants in the production chain: part of the production tends to be dumped, the final price becomes less competitive in relation to other sources of animal protein, moreover, in terms of safety, the probability of biological and chemical hazards transmission to consumers through the seafood increases. Right after its capture, the fish should be put on ice, on the boat, in order to preserve it. The necessity to improve food products provided the development and improvement of sensory analysis, which was able to assess the characteristics identified by human senses. In relation to seafood, the sensory analysis is used as a routine technique for inspections in seafood warehouses and seafood processing industries. It  is the most used resource for assesses the freshness degree of aquatic products during the marketing process. According to the considerations above, the present study aims to explore the relevance of sensory attributes in fish freshness assessment hake Macrodon ancylodon (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801), using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and the Test Acceptability and from that on, to, identifying favorable and limiting factors for the use of these resources in product assessment hake in marketing. The results of this study showed that: 1) to evaluate the freshness of fish depends obligatorily sensory nature of skills and the professional responsible for this activity requires training and recurrent training; 2) the best exponents attributes in evaluating the freshness of hake Macrodon ancylodon (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801) by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) were “color of the gills”; “Characteristic odor”; “Putrid odor”; and “overall evaluation of freshness”; 3) the Acceptability Test (TA) parameter B2 “how much you liked the product’s aroma” proved to be better explainer in freshness assessment.
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