Raman spectroscopy-based approach to study the female gamete

Abstract In the last years, an increasing interest has emerged on the development of new non-invasive methods for the assessment of oocyte quality in order to improve outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) either in medical or veterinary fields. Raman microspectroscopy (RMS) has been proposed as a promising tool for the examination of the mammalian female gamete and identification of markers of its developmental competence. This technique provides a unique spectral fingerprint indicative of molecular composition of the cell and allows probing subcellular compartments. Studies have been carried out analysing by RMS fixed or living oocytes derived from different animal models. RMS imaging has been successfully applied to discriminate the biochemical changes of the global molecular architecture of mouse oocytes at different stages of maturation and those occurring in different conditions of maturation and oocyte aging. RMS can also detect modifications of specific structural components, including the oocyte zona pellucida and F-actin subcortical cytoskeleton in fresh sheep oocytes and those underwent to vitrification procedures. Finally, the recent application of Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy for examination of oocyte lipid component will be briefly discussed. CARS overcomes some limits of RMS providing vibrational and spectral information with higher sensitivity, spatial resolution which is ideal to study living oocytes. This review summarizes the research on RMS approaches for oocyte evaluation showing the high potential use, current limitations and new improvements.
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