Социально-культурная адаптация и интеграция мигрантов в России: к вопросу о межкультурном взаимодействии : DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/136-152

The article examines conceptual approaches, practical steps, weaknesses and positive innovations in the implementation of the State Migration Policy and the State National Policy of the Russian Federation in relation to adaptation and integration of migrants. The article studies the nature of interaction between migrants and the host Russian society and its impact on adaptation and integration processes. It analyzes the perception of cultural differences among young people (based on the results of research done in schools and universities in Moscow). The majority of Russians are not inclined to actively interact with foreign-cultural migrants, which is an obstacle to successful integration of migrants. The potential for successful integration processes is observed in the educational environment. Despite the fact that our country currently lacks full-fledged conditions for successful integration of migrants, positive changes have been taking place in the past few years. 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Saint Petersburg: «L-PRINT».
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