Innovative Uses of Technology for Content Development and Classroom Use

Abstract To innovate in education is to create something new which deviates from long established traditional practices; in this case to impart learning at different levels. With the advent of modern instruments such as computers, liquid crystal displays, overhead projectors, slide projectors etc., classroom teaching has seen a phenomenal change towards a better understanding of the course content of various university syllabi. Internet facilities have, to a great extent, given access to the literature related to any topic under the sun, thus enhancing knowledge. A stagnant and unproductive economy may be turned into a productive economy with the help of the above mentioned modern equipment. Scientists, engineers and technocrats are continuously trying to find a viable solution to enrich and empower citizens of the world. One such marvel helping in this process is the computer. Universities have a responsibility to focus on the employability of candidates rather than teach them outdated syllabi. The processes of learning and teaching should facilitate feedback opportunities. In bringing about a change in the educational pattern in this world of ours, care should be taken that the younger generation of students do not spend their time on internet education for hours together, ruining at an early age the physiological functions of their eyes, backbone, wrists, neck etc. Reading books must be made compulsory at all levels of learning. The computer should serve as a supplementary tool or a device, technologically driven, giving new information for the benefit of mankind.
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