Coastal engineering 2008 : proceedings of the 31st international conference : Hamburg, Germany, 31 August - 5 September 2008

Waves: Water Waves Propagating Over Mud (R Dalrymple) Wave Physics in a Tidal Inlet (L Holthuijsen) Random Wave Breaking Models - History and Discussion (J Battjes) Nonlinear Wave Transformation and Runup Over Fringing Coral Reef (O Nwogu & Z Demirbilek) Swash, Nearshore Currents, and Long Waves: A Critical Discussion on the Solitary Wave Paradigm for Tsunamis (P Madsen) Experiment on Bottom Roughness Experienced by Currents Perpendicular to Waves (O S Madsen et al.) Predicting the Influence of Climate Changes on Hurricane Flooding (J L Irish et al.) Wave Setup in US Flood Insurance Studies (R G Dean et al.) Coastal Management, Environment, and Risk: Coastal Zones and Climate Change: A Sediment Perspective Perception on Adaptation (J Mulder et al.) The Role of Regional Sediment Management in Coastal Zone Management (L Ewing et al.) Flood Risk Analysis and Management in Europe - The Way Ahead (A Kortenhaus & H Oumeraci) Indonesia - Japan Joint Survey on 2006 Java Earthquake Tsunami Disaster (S Takahashi et al.) Sediment Transport and Morphology: Regional Beach Volume Changes on Decadal to Century Time Scales - Central South Carolina USA (T W Kana & D J Gaudiano) Sea Level Variability and Coastal Evolution (M A Losada et al.) Long-Term Simulations of Subaerial Beach Erosion and Overwash During Storms (M Larson & N C Kraus) A Two-Scale Approach to Nearshore Sediment Transport Modeling (B D Johnson & J M Smith) Coastal Structures: New Formulation of Wave Transmission Over and Through Low Crested Structures (Y Goda & J Ahrens) Non-Conventional Wave Damping Structures: Hydraulic Performance (H Oumeraci) Analyses of Stability of Caisson Breakwater on Rubble Foundation Exposed to Impulsive Loads (H F Burcharth et al.) Further Developments on the Wave Overtopping Simulator (J W van der Meer et al.).
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