Mechanisms of slope failure on Pyramid Mountain, a subglacial volcano in Wells Gray Provincial Park,

Pyramid Mountain is a subglacial volcano in Wells Gray Provincial Park in east-central British Columbia. Landslides deform the north and east flanks of the volcano. Field strength testing and rock mass classification designate the hyaloclastite breccia in which the landslides originated as a weak, massive rock mass: uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) range from 24 to 35 MPa, and geologic strength index (GSI) and rock mass rating (RMR) values are 60-70. The shear strength of fracture surfaces in the hyaloclastite breccia, as measured by laboratory direct shear tests, can be characterized by a friction angle φ of 18° and cohesion c of 0.11-0.66 MPa. Limit-equilibrium slope stability analyses show that the landslides were probably triggered by the rapid drawdown of a surrounding englacial lake with no seismic ground acceleration required. Slope measurements and slope stability modeling indicate that Pyramid Mountain was asymmetric prior to failure: the north and east flanks had slope angles of 35°-40°, and the south and west flanks had slope angles of 21°-33°. Slope asymmetry may result from closer ice confinement on up-gradient (north and east) flanks due to higher ice flux in this direction relative to down-gradient (south and west) flanks. At the time of failure, the volcanic edifice was at least partially lithified, with cohesive strengths of 0.19-0.52 MPa. Failures of lithified subglacial and subaqueous volcanic edifices may be triggered by rapid drawdown of surrounding water without seismic loading.
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