Индивидуально-типологические свойства личности подростков занимающихся и не занимающихся волейболом

In the article the problem of formation of the personality of adolescents engaged in volleyball. On the basis of individual-typological questionnaire determined the level of typological characteristics of the personality of adolescents in terms of extroversion, spontaneity, aggression, rigidity, introversion, sensitivity, anxiety, lability before and after the pedagogical experiment. By results of processing of the data was compiled psychodiagnostic profile of control and experimental groups. The results obtained at the end of the experiment, indicate that in the process of volleyball in adolescents have shown improvement in indicators of introversion and lowering anxiety, aggression, rigidity and sensitivity, which manifests itself in increasing attention, activity, determination, stress tolerance, organization and ability to adapt to a particular system of relationships. The studies confirm the positive influence of sports, in particular volleyball, on the formation of the personality of adolescents.
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