Below Regulatory Concern Owners Group: Evaluation of candidate waste types: Revision 1: Final report

There are several waste types produced at nuclear power plants that contain very low radioactivity concentrations and could be classified as Below Regulatory Concern (BRC), thus eliminating the need to dispose of such waste at licensed low-level waste disposal facilities. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has embarked on a program to develop the technical bases for a rulemaking petition authorizing BRC disposal of specific waste types. In order to focus the finite resources of time and money on those waste types which would provide the maximum benefit to the industry, an evaluation of potential BRC waste types was performed. This evaluation provides a systematic and documented approach to identify candidate BRC waste types for inclusion in the EPRI BRC program. The report identifies potential BRC waste types, defines appropriate evaluation/selection criteria, and provides an evaluation of each waste type with respect to these criteria. The final result of this evaluation is a prioritized list of BWR and PWR waste types, in decreasing order of attractiveness, suitable for inclusion in the EPRI BRC program. 7 refs., 33 tabs.
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