Relative quantitation of glycoisoforms of intact apolipoprotein C3 in human plasma by liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Glycosylation is one of the most important post-translational modifications to mammalian proteins. Distribution of different glycoisoforms of certain proteins may reflect disease conditions and, therefore, can potentially be utilized as biomarkers. Apolipoprotein C3 (ApoC3) is one of the many plasma glycoproteins extensively studied for association with disease states. ApoC3 exists in three main glycoisoforms, including ApoC3-1 and ApoC3-2, which contain an O-linked carbohydrate moiety consisting of three and four monosaccharide residues, respectively, and ApoC3-0 that lacks the entire glycosylation chain. Changes in the ratio of different glycoisoforms of ApoC3 have been observed in pathological conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, and diabetes. They may provide important information for diagnosis, prognosis, and evaluation of therapeutic response for metabolic conditions. In this current work, a liquid chromatography(LC)–high-resolution (HR) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) metho...
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