Hybrid Pyramid/Neural Network Vision System.

Abstract : An artificial problem was constructed and described in the last report. During this quarter, another, more difficult, artificial problem was constructed. As before, the objects to be found and some potential false positives each have component patterns. Each positive has two different component patterns chosen from three types. In addition, the rectangles which form the objects and the sub-patterns all have artificial shadows added (Figure 1). The angle of the shadow is randomly-chosen. The potential false positive objects either have two component patterns of the same type, or only one pattern of some type, and one or both of the component patterns may not have a shadow. Thus the pattern tree must detect all three types of components with shadows to be able to detect a positive. As in the previous simpler problem, the positives and potential false-positives are 18-by-11 pixel rectangles, but now their brightness is randomly-chosen between 136 to 247. The sub-patterns have a brightness that is independently chosen at random from the same range, but both patterns (if there are two in an object) have the same brightness. The component patterns are three-by-three x, +, and square patterns. (KAR) P. 2
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