[Ligation of the retrobulbar vascular-nervous bunch during performance of evisceration and enucleation using titanic clips in ophthalmic surgery].

: The efficacy of hemostasis achievement during conduction of a retrobulbar vascular-nervous bunch ligation (RVNBL), using titanic clips while evisceroenucleation performance, was studied up. A comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of surgical treatment of 36 patients, suffering terminal dolorous glaucoma and disaster of a sympathetic ophthalmia complication after an eye penetrating wounding occurrence. In 16 patients (the first group) a standard method of a hemostasis achievement was used while doing evisceroenucleation - a deep orbital tamponade for 5 minutes. In 20 patients (the second group) a procedure of RVNBL was conducted, using titanic clips before the bunch transsection doing. There was established, that while doing a RVNPL using titanic clips, a hemorrhage never occurs, a retrobulbar hematoma do not formated, the soft tissues reaction in the early postoperative period is less pronounced, and the patients postoperative rehabilitation period shortens.
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