Visual representation and perception

Serial hierarchical processing, parallel processing and remapping on a dynamic network of several cortical visual areas are accountable for visual perception. Perception is organized in craniometric coordinates based on retinotopic maps of the layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus that project to the visuotopic map in the primary visual cortex. After perceptual completion and filing in the neural representation, it becomes a binocular visuotopic representation. Perceptual completion hosts integration, which implies the reconstruction of the form perception of partial contour information. The V1 visuotopic map creates a stereoscopic map based on the disparity of the monocular information. This stereoscopic map is distinct from each of the monocular maps, although there is one eye that is always dominant for the location of a target. Craniocentric neural representation of the visual scene is perceptually stable, regardless of eye movements. Keeping the head in one position and scanning the scene with the eyes, we reconstructed a high-resolution scenario. Remapping and efferent copies of the eye movements made this scene stable and entirely in color. By moving the head, we generated different craniocentric maps, which are perceptually stable regardless of the eye movements. The ambient map is a conscious reconstruction of the scene with optimizations of resolution, color, and contrast across the entire field of view. For each position of the head, the oculomotor system scans the scene with the eyes using foveal vision to construct a high- resolution color scenario that generates an optimized visual representation. A large scenario is reconstructed piece by piece on a dynamic topographically organized network made up of virtually all cortical visual areas.
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