Peierls Stresses Estimated from CRSS Vs. Temperature Curve and their Relation to the Crystal Structure

Peierls stresses P of a variety of pure crystals, bcc metals, NaCl type crystals, elemental and compound tetrahedrally coordinated crystals, intermetallic compounds and ceramic crystals, have been estimated from the critical resolved shear stress (c) vs. temperature curves. For high P crystals where CRSS data are available only at high temperatures, P has been estimated from the critical temperature T0 at which steep temperature dependence of c vanishes: T0 is related to the kink-pair formation energy which is a function of P, material parameters and dislocation character controlling the deformation. The estimated p/G values are semi-log plotted against h/b value, where G is the shear modulus, h the slip plane spacing and b the Burgers vector. Two facts should be noted. First, P/G values for a group of crystals with the same crystal structure are within a range of a factor of 10. Second, most of the data points lie in between the classical Peierls-Nabarro relation and the Huntington’s modified relation. These facts indicates that Peierls stress is primarily determined by the crystal structure.
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