Urinary endothelin-1 excretion according to morpho-functional damage lateralization in reflux nephropathy

Background. Reflux nephropathy (RN) is a pathophysiological human model of reduced nephron reserve, due to loss of renal mass, but little information exists about the role of urinary endothelin-1 (uET-1) in this disease. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of uET-1-like-immunoreactivity (uET-1L) in RN patients, particularly if lateralized renal damage existed. Methods. Thirty patients with vescico-ureteral reflux (VUR) and consequent RN, were studied. The presence of VUR was established by voiding cysto-urethrography. RN was assessed and graded by 99mTc-dimercapto-succinic acid scan (DMSA). Renal plasma flow (ERPF) was evaluated by 123 I-Hippuran renal sequential scintigraphy, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by creatinine clearance. Forty-five healthy subjects were selected as a control group. uET-lL excretion, in both affected and control groups, was assayed. Results. Mann Whitney U test showed a significant difference between control and patient groups in both GFR and uET-1L. A good correlation between DMSA grading, single kidney clearance and VUR grade was shown. A significant relationship was also shown between uET-1L and both ERPF and GFR. Patients with RN were divided into two subgroups according to functional damage lateralization. Between the two groups, a significant difference was found only for uET-1L when GFR was applied as a covariate in ANCOVA analysis. Conclusion. Our preliminary results confirmed the increase of urinary ET-1L excretion in RN, especially when renal functional injury was lateralized.
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