Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Kandidat Presiden Republik Indonesia Pada Pemilu 2019 di Media Sosial Twitter

The development of technology today has been growing rapidly and has an impact on the behavior patterns of people who feel it. The Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO) released a data that of 265 million people of Indonesia, there are around 54% have used internet technology or about 143 million people. In one survey IDN Research Institute said that there are three Social Media that are widely used in Indonesia, namely Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This study focuses on extracting data in the form of text produced from social media twitter that responds to the account of the RI presidential candidates in the 2019 elections. Sentiment analysis is obtained through tweet classification using sentiment analysis tools such as NRC Lexicon and Bing Lexicon so that information is obtained in the form of positive polarity and negative polarity from community tweets towards the Presidential candidates in the 2019 elections. Using March data before the 2019 election, for candidate 01 Joko Widodo, the NRC Lexicon analysis gave a value of 249 and bing lexicon of 267 with an average value of 0.11, while for candidate 02 Prabowo Subianto the NRC Lexicon analysis gave a value of 195 and bing lexicon of 204 with an average value of 0.085. Using april data after the 2019 election. Candidate 01 Joko Widodo still received a lot of responses from netizens but the sentiment value shifted more negatively compared to candidate 02 Prabowo Subianto. For candidate 01 Joko Widodo the NRC Lexicon analysis gave a value of 17 and bing lexicon of -273 with an average value of -0,246, while for candidate 02 Prabowo Subianto the NRC Lexicon analysis gave a value of 238 and bing lexicon of -73 with an average value of -0.02430939.
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