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Feel the Layers, Feel the Forest

The concept of “Feel the Layers, Feel the Forest”provides a complete series of vertical experience that users have ever had before. It consists of fourforest layers of experience and exposures. The first layer is the undergrowth zone is designed tofeel the surrounding of the forest floor. Here, the dim, moist and cold condition provokes a deeperfeeling. The second layer encompasses of theunderstory zone where tree houses and viewingplatforms are placed on the big branches of theforest trees. In this zone, users will be exposedto the authenticity of forest by viewing from thetree houses and viewing platforms tangled withvines and lianas. The third layer, which is thecanopy zone, includes the suspension bridgewhich intermittently covered with the lianas,tree branches and hanging roots, providing extraordinary dipterocarp forest walking experience. Finally, the last layer which is theemergent zone consists of an observation towerthat shoots approximately 60 meters above theground located at the highest elevation for theoverall observation. By walking through thesezones, users will truly experience and furtherunderstand the different layers of this lowland dipterocarp forest.
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