Minimally Invasive t reatment of Initial Dental erosion Using pressed Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramic Restorations: a Case Report

2 A comprehensive approach to problem solving in esthetic dentistry involves representation of several disciplines to redefi ne complications outside normal boundaries and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations. The coming together of diverse minds representing varied backgrounds can inspire new benchmarks for esthetic dental treatment. However, such an approach can be costly and diffi cult for obvious reasons. Practitioners today are therefore encouraged to expand their vision by learning more about disciplines outside their fi eld of practice. Professionals highly focused on one fi eld remain necessary, but those who have a comprehensive vision and who seek collaboration and continuous knowledge are most likely to succeed. Understanding limitations—those of the materials and techniques we seek to employ and of the particular situation at hand, and considering our own limitations as well—is more vital than knowing the success rate of a given treatment approach or plan. In modern dentistry, failures are potentially catastrophic, and their repair is stressful, costly, and painful for the patient as well as the technician and dentist. When the limiting factors are carefully analyzed, failures can be anticipated and prevented, thus being a dynamic opportunity to expand the frontiers and strategies for esthetic dental treatment planning. Although this learning exercise requires commitment, hard work, and perseverance, it leads us to develop a different mindset, fostering an enhanced inner resilience that nurtures success. For 35 years, Quintessence of Dental Technology has been a unique source of inspiration, with articles presenting a benchmark for what is the epitome of esthetic dental rehabilitation. In this commemorative issue, all articles were carefully selected to salute the reader with the fi nest examples of novel approaches for treatment planning and for mastering the infl uence of color, light dynamics of esthetic materials, communication, photography, materials science, dental composition, perioprosthetic connection, tooth preservation, and requirements for advanced esthetic treatment. Please join me in relishing the inspiration generated by this delightful collection of artwork.
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