Формування інформаційної культури лікарівстоматологів засобами дистанційного навчання

We have conducted analysis of scientific psychological and educational literature and dissertation research, which indicates considerable attention of scientists to the problem of implementation of distance learning technologies in educational process and to the forming of the information culture of specialists. Possibilities of the application of distance education for the forming of information culture of dentists have been determined. The article reveals and describes the nature of forming of information culture of dentists by means of distance learning at the postgraduate stage. The theoretical, practical and personal components of information culture have been reviewed. It is noted that the term “informationculture reflects widely and accurately the interaction of individual with information and environmental information space. Information culture today is not just a new outlook, new thinking, and communication in different information flows oriented on selfdevelopment and self-education. Search for appropriate technologies of doctors’ postgraduate training, and dentists’ in particular, is a continual and dynamic process. Depending on the fact how fast the information society will strengthen itself, the demand for a competent personality will grow, and this in its turn will contribute to the improvement of developed methods and implementation of new techniques. We have formed criteria of doctor’s information culture – the ability to adequately form the need for information, to effectively search the necessary information across a set of information resources, to process information and create the qualitatively new one, to conduct individual information search, adequately select and evaluate information, as well as the abilities of information communication and computer literacy. Due to the introduction of modern innovative Internet technologies we have proved a significant advantage of distance learning, which makes it possible to raise the professional qualification at a convenient time for the audience, including on-line mode. We have showed the efficiency of on-line consultations held with students when discussing problematic situations of professional activity and webinars that provide an opportunity to share experiences. Distinction from traditional forms and methods of training, introduction of interactive methods involving audience to interaction contribute to the formation of need for independent work beyond the time given for fulltime training.
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