FACTORS RELATED TO dysmenorrhea INCIDENCE among ADOLESCENT GIRLS CLASS XI AT Public Vocational High School 2 PADANG IN 2019

ABSTRACT The dysmenorrhea incident in the world is very large, namely that on average more than 50% of women in every country experience menstrual pain. The dysmenorrhea incident in Indonesia is 64.25% and menstrual incidence pain in West Sumatra (2013) is 57.3%. Adolescent girls at Public Vocational High School 2 Padang, said they often experience dysmenorrhea. As a result of dysmenorrhea, adolescent girls often do not attend school. The purpose of this study was to find the factors associated with dysmenorrhea incidence in grade XI adolescent at Public Vocational High School 2 Padang in 2019. This type of analytic study was a cross-sectional design. The population of the entire grade XI student at Public Vocational High Schools 2 Padang 224 people with 69 samples. Data collection using a questionnaire using interviews. Proportional random sampling technique. The study conducted from February to September 2019. Collecting data on 02-06 September 2019. Data analyzed univariate and bivariate using computerization. The results showed that less than half (42%) of adolescent experienced dysmenorrhea. Less than half (44.9%) of adolescent have menarche age quickly. Less than half (47.8%) had a family history. Less than half (27.5%) are overweight. And there was a significant relationship between menarche age (p = 0.003), family history (p = 0.001), and obesity (p = 0.005) with the dysmenorrhea incident in adolescent girls at Public Vocational High School 2 Padang. It hoped that the school will give early education or information as well as counseling about reproductive health, especially about dysmenorrhea through Junior Red Cross and School Health Unit by providing more optimization of leaflets, posters, and pamphlets. Key w ords: Menarche Age, Family History, Obesity, Dysmenorrhea Incidence
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