Secure and Cost-Effective Micro Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)-Like Metering for Behind-the-Meter (BTM) Solar Systems using Blockchain-Assisted Smart Inverters

Recently, there is increasing interest in using behind-the-meter (BTM) solar systems for grid services. However, providing visibility and operational situational awareness of BTM solar systems mainly operated by small-scale solar inverters is challenging due to the requirement of relatively expansive networked observation tools (e.g., micro phasor measurement units (µPMUs)) and consequent cybersecurity threats through networks. This paper presents a secure, cost-effective, µPMUs-like metering method using a blockchain-assisted smart (BAS) inverters for a BTM solar system. The proposed BAS inverter consisting of an internet of things device as a node of a local blockchain network enables the secure provision of inverter measurement data for grid services. The BAS inverter sends the encrypted local measurement data with a timestamp to a local blockchain miner. Once the blockchain miner generates a tamper-resistant metering ledger including the measurements, it is used to assess the situational awareness of the BTM solar system. The concept of the proposed metering using the BAS inverters is validated by experimental studies.
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