Por onde anda o esporte escolar em Pernambuco? Where is school sport going in Pernambuco?

INTRODUCAO : O esporte escolar esta presente na EF e transcende seus muros. Equipes de treinamento representam a escola em competicoes esportivas. OBJETIVO : Objetivou-se relatar a evolucao do esporte escolar no estado de Pernambuco, buscando reflexoes e mudancas a partir da escola e entidades governamentais. METODOS : O estudo trata-se de um relato de experiencia de natureza qualitativa e descritiva. Obtiveram-se dados numericos para o desenvolvimento do estudo. RESULTADOS : Destacou-se a vivencia do esporte na aula de EF como tambem a participacao das escolas nos Jogos Escolares de Pernambuco e Jogos Escolares da Juventude, alem de mudancas nas escolas para ingresarem em competicoes dentro e fora do estado. Apos descrever sobre a evolucao do esporte escolar em PE, aspectos devem ser embutidos na aula de EF e na participacao das escolas nos JEP e Jogos da Juventude. CONCLUSAO : A pratica esportiva de uma maneira geral no estado de PE deve passar por uma serie de mudancas, algumas, propostas neste estudo. Essas farao com que sejam despertados novamente no ambiente do esporte escolar, valores significantes para a vida dos praticantes. Where is school sport going in Pernambuco? ABSTRACT BACKGROUND : School sport is present in physical education and transcends its walls. Training teams represent the school in sports competitions. OBJECTIVE : The objective was to report the evolution of school sports in the state of Pernambuco, seeking reflections and changes from the school and government entities. METHODS : The study is a qualitative and descriptive experience report. Numerical data were obtained for the development of the study. RESULTS : Noteworthy was the experience of sport in the PE class as well as the participation of schools in the Pernambuco School Games and Youth School Games, in addition to changes in schools to enter competitions inside and outside the state. After describing the evolution of school sports in PE, aspects must be embedded in the PE class and in the participation of schools in the JEP and Youth Games. CONCLUSION : Sports practice in general in the state of PE must undergo a series of changes, some of which are proposed in this study. These will cause significant values to the lives of practitioners to be awakened again in the school sports environment.
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