Tabakrauchen und Alkoholkonsum bei Auszubildenden an berufl ichen Schulen in Vorpommern * Tobacco Smoking and Alcohol Consumption among Apprentices at Vocational Schools in West Pomerania, Germany

▼ is known about tobacco smoking and health risk drinking among apprentices at vocational schools. The aim of this study was to determine the proportions of subjects who smoke or drink alcohol in a risky way, their preparedness to stop smoking, and the proportions of smokers and risk drinkers according to occupational groups and general school education. The methods included a survey of all apprentices in their fi rst year of vocational training and all trainees in a course of preparation for occupation in a north-eastern region of Germany. All vocational schools of the study region participated. At the time of the survey, 77.9 % of the apprentices were present. Among them, 99.8 % (N = 1 124) fi lled in questionnaires. The data revealed that among the total sample 61.2 % were daily or less than daily current smokers. Among adults, 8.2 %, among those at age 17 or younger 12.9 % had a mean daily consumption of more than 12 grams (females) or more than 24 grams (males) of pure alcohol. These proportions were 12.6–18.0 % among apprentices of blue collar occupations and 2.8–6.5 % among apprentices of white collar or health occupations. Among subjects who had left school without graduation, 85.0 %, and among those with the highest school education 36.9 % were current smokers. It is concluded that vocational schools are a suitable and essential setting to reach a high risk population concerning tobacco smoking or unhealthy alcohol con
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