Transcriptome-wide Cas13 guide RNA design for model organisms and viral RNA pathogens

CRISPR-Cas13 mediates robust transcript knockdown in human cells through direct RNA targeting. Compared to DNA-targeting CRISPR enzymes like Cas9, RNA targeting by Cas13 is transcript- and strand-specific: It can distinguish and specifically knock-down processed transcripts, alternatively spliced isoforms and overlapping genes, all of which frequently serve different functions. Previously, we identified optimal design rules for RfxCas13d guide RNAs (gRNAs), and developed a computational model to predict gRNA efficacy for all human protein-coding genes. However, there is a growing interest to target other types of transcripts, such as noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) or viral RNAs, and to target transcripts in other commonly-used organisms. Here, we predicted relative Cas13-driven knock-down for gRNAs targeting messenger RNAs and ncRNAs in six model organisms (human, mouse, zebrafish, fly, nematode and flowering plants) and four abundant RNA virus families (SARS-CoV-2, HIV-1, H1N1 influenza and MERS). To allow for more flexible gRNA efficacy prediction, we also developed a web-based application to predict optimal gRNAs for any RNA target entered by the user. Given the lack of Cas13 guide design tools, we anticipate this resource will facilitate CRISPR-Cas13 RNA targeting in common model organisms, emerging viral threats to human health, and novel RNA targets.
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