بررسي مقايسهای تعیین میزان سازگاري زناشويي در معتادان تحت درمان با متادون و افراد غیر معتاد

Comparative Assessment of marital adjustment in methadone-maintained addicts and non-addicts S. Pournaghash Tehrani, Ph.D.* Z. Teymori, M.A M.R. Rezazadeh, Ph.D.* The present study examined the marital adjustment in methadone maintained drug addicts and non addicts. 104 male (n-52) addicts and non-addicts (n=52) were selected and administered Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). Data were analyzed using a multiple analyses of variance, one-way analysis of variance and descriptive statistics (Mean, SD). Results showed a significant difference between addicts and non-addicts. Subscales dyadic cohesion, dyadic consensus and affectional expression in drug-addicts in treatment were higher than in non-addict group. Furthermore, dyadic satisfaction in patients was slightly higher than the non-addicts, but was not statistically significant. In sum, findings indicated a significant difference in marital adjustment between the two groups. Such data can be of great use in dru addicts who are in the contemplating phase and have not yet attempted the detoxification phase. Keywords: Martial Adjustment, dyadic satisfaction, dyadic cohesion, dyadic consensus, affection expression Contact information: spournaghash@yahoo.com g counseling centers and
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