Érdek-képviseleti és érdekvédelmi szervezetek Magyarországon és az Európai Unióban 1945 – 2004 = Interest representing and protecting organisations in Hungary and in the European Union 1945 – 2004

Munkatarsaink a harom ev alatt kozel ket tucat konferencia-előadast tartottak, koztuk tobb kulfoldi forumon is meghivott előadokent vettek reszt. Kutatasunk kapcsan tobb mint 60 (koztuk szamos idegen nyelvű) publikacio jelent meg. Emellett a temaval kapcsolatban ot feleven at BA-kurzusokat tartottunk az ELTE-n. Bemutattuk a ket vilaghaboru kozotti gazdasag- es tarsadalomiranyitasi elmeletek (korporatizmus, hivatasrendiseg, naci totalitarius modell) sajatsagait es azok esetleges egymasrahatasat, valamint gyakorlati megvalosulasi formait. Ezen elmeletek főbb teoretikusainak palyajat is megrajzoltuk. Elemeztuk a gazdasagi vilagvalsagra adott gazdasagiranyitasi valasz-alternativakat. Magyarorszagon elsőkent kimutattuk az alkalmankent szoros osszefuggeseket a hivatasrendiseg es a masodik vilaghaboru utani keresztenydemokracia, illetve a korporatizmus, a hivatasrendi gondolat es az 1960-es evekben megszulető neokorporatizmus kozott. Kimutattuk a szakszervezetek elterő fejlődesi utjait es erdekvedelmi lehetősegeinek valtozasait Nyugat- es Kozep-Kelet-Europaban, kulonos tekintettel a rendszervaltas utani elterő kelet-europai modellekre. A hazai tudomanyos diskurzusban első izben tettunk kiserletet a neokorporativ gazdasag- es tarsadalomszervezes makro-, mezzo- es mikroszintjet leiro elmeletek torteneti kontextusba helyezett, atfogo interdiszciplinaris feltarasara, reszletes elemzesere es azok eredmenyeinek bemutatasara. | Our colleagues delivered more than twenty (20) lectures (several ones were delivered abroad) during the last three years. More than sixty (60) studies (among them several in German and English) were published in connection with our research. Besides we held seminars about our topic at the Eotvos Lorand University for five semesters. As a result of our research we presented the nature and interaction of economy and society-management theories and the forms of their realizations in the interwar period (corporatism, idea of vocational order, Nazi totalitarian model etc.). The career of the main teoretics of these strategies were also described. The answer-alternatives given to the Great Depression were analyzed as well. First in Hungary we pointed at the relationship between the idea of vocational order and the post-1945 Christian democracy, and the corporatism and neo-corporatism. The different ways of evolving of the Western- and Eastern-European trade unions, their changing interest-representing possibilities and specially their different post-1990 strategies were also analyzed. First in the Hungarian scientific discourse we gave an overall picture of the theories of neocorporative economy and society-management in macro, meso and micro level with their historical background and their theoretical and practical results.
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